Evan Erwin

When did you start doing CrossFit? 3 years ago
What is your favorite WOD? Anything with running or burpees. I liked 20.2, 20 minute AMRAP of Thrusters, Toes to Bar, and Double Unders.

What is your least favorite WOD? Fran.

What is your favorite lift? Hang Power Cleans.

Least favorite lift? Snatch.

Favorite cheat meal? Pepperoni and Chicken Pizza.

Family: I have a mom and a sister and two dogs. I teach Math at the School for the Blind and PE at the school for the deaf.

Sports: I enjoy running and swimming.

Interests: I like singing and writing songs when I have time.

What were you doing before CrossFit? I was running a lot training for a half marathon and running 5ks and 10ks.

Thoughts after first WOD: I really enjoyed it, but the next morning I thought “Oh my gosh, what have I done?” because I was so sore. I have Neal Carrol to thank for inviting me.

Goals before CrossFit: I didn’t have specific goals before starting CrossFit, the goals came later. I wanted to Rx all the workouts or do Double Unders and Toes to Bar.

Have you achieved these goals? Yes, I can now do double unders and toes to bar, which are two of my favorite movements.

Has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym? I want to help more people than I did before. CrossFit has definitely helped me to be more creative and even be patient and look for small improvements in all areas of my life.

Memories: Slipped off the Pull-up bar during Fran! Ouch!

Achievements: Getting my first ring muscle up in 20.5. PRing my Clean and Jerk from 155 to 175. First rip during Open workout 18.1.

Advice for people starting CrossFit: Keep coming back. Look for progress even if it is small. That helps me keep going and want to improve. Look at where you were and where you are now. I love looking back and seeing how much better I have gotten over the past 3 years.

Tell us something we might not know about you: My favorite singer is Carrie Underwood. I am a little shy when you first meet me. My birthday is Valentine’s Day.