Change Your Vocabulary

Whether you realize it or not words are extremely powerful.  They direct us in the direction that we will go. They can change the way we feel about a situation simply by changing one word in a sentence.  If you can take control of your vocabulary then you can take control of your life.  I want to give you a few example of ways that you can just change one word in a sentence and make a drastic change in your life.

"I should go to the gym today."  How many times have we told ourselves this or something similar.  We say it with good intentions but in reality we are setting ourselves up for failure.  Do you think that the person who says this statement is going to make it to the gym?  Probably not.  Now let's change one word.  Next time you want to say should then replace the word with must.  Try it now.  "I must go to the gym today."  Do you think that that person will make it to the gym today?  I would bet a whole lot of money that they would.  Simply by changing one word in that sentence it becomes much more likely that the person will go to the gym.  

Let's try another one.  "I have to go to the gym today."  This sounds like working out is a chore.  Do you think that this person is going to give their absolute best effort at the gym that day?  Probably not.  Now let's change one word.  "I get to go to the gym today." Simply by changing the “have to” to “get to” the sentence takes a whole new meaning.  The person saying this sounds excited about going to the gym.  They realize that it is a privilege and that they might not always have that opportunity.  Do you think that this person will give their absolute best effort at the gym today?  Probably so.  Changing one word completely changed the dynamic of that person's trip to the gym.

Let's do one more.  "I can't do a strict pullup."  This person sounds like they have given up on doing a strict pullup.  They probably can't do one now and they probably never will be able to.  This person has a fixed mindset when it comes to strict pullups.  Now let's change one word, this time by just adding yet.  "I can't do a strict pullup, yet."  Do you think this person will be able to eventually do a strict pullup?  Highly likely.  This person has a growth mindset when it comes to strict pullups.  They realize that just because they can't do it now doesn't mean that they can't do it later.  Simply by adding one word they are opening themselves up to the possibility to be able to do a strict pullup down the road.

Start paying attention to the words that you say every day.  The things that we say greatly influence what happens to us.  I challenge you to start changing what you say and see if what happens to you changes.  Instead of saying "I should" start saying "I must."  Instead of saying "I have to" start saying "I get to". Instead of saying "I can't" start saying "I can't, yet".  Be careful about the words that you choose.  They are far more powerful than you give them credit for.