Wednesday 4/8


Partner WOD

"Don't Tell Me What I Can't Do"

20 minute AMRAP

50 db box step ups (35/20)*partner holds plank

50 sa db shoulder to overhead (35/20) *partner holds plank

50 calorie row *partner hangs

Performance & Competition

Partner WOD

"Don't Tell Me What I Can't Do"

20 minute AMRAP

50 db box step ups (50/35)*partner holds plank

50 sa db shoulder to overhead (50/35) *partner holds plank

50 calorie row *partner hangs

At Home


Elbow Lunge

Pigeon Stretch

Plank Circles 

Static Claves

Warm Up: 2 Rounds

5 Step Ups

15 Sec Front Plank

5 Push Ups

15 Sec Front Plank

20 Jump Rope

Partner WOD

20 minute AMRAP

50 step ups *partner holds plank

50 pushups *partner holds plank

100 double unders *partner holds plank


For this partner workout one person will be working while the other partner will either be hanging or planking, depending on the movement they are on.  You can break the reps up as needed.  If you do not have a partner then cut the reps in half each round and finish each round with a 1 minute plank hold.  The at home workout is a partner workout where one partner is working and one partner is resting.  Find some type of box, table, chair, or other object to step up on.  You can break the reps up as needed.  If you do not have a jump rope then line hops (over and back is one rep) is fine.  Single unders are also an option.