Partner WOD
For time
100 wall balls (14/10)
75 alternating dumbbell snatches (35/25)
50 pushups
25 burpee pullups
50 pushups
75 alternating dumbbell snatches
100 wall balls
Partner WOD
For time
100 wall balls (20/14)
75 kettlebell snatches (35/26)
50 pushups
25 burpee pullups
50 pushups
75 kettlebell snatches
100 wall balls
Partner WOD
For time
100 wall balls (30/20)
75 kettlebell snatches (53/35)
50 pushups
25 bar muscle ups
50 pushups
75 kettlebell snatches
100 wall balls
This is a down and back chipper partner workout. You can distribute the reps between you and your partner as needed.