Bench press
5x2-build to a heavy set
2 rounds
10 hang snatches (75/45)
20/15 calorie bike or row
Rest 1 minute
20 front squats (75/45)
20/15 calorie bike or row
Rest 1 minute
Bench press
5x2-85%, rest 1 minute
2 rounds
10 hang snatches (95/65)
20/15 calorie bike or row
Rest 1 minute
20 overhead squats (95/65)
20/15 calorie bike or row
Rest 1 minute
Bench press
5x2-85%, rest 1 minute
2 rounds
10 hang snatches (115/75)
20/15 calorie row
Rest 1 minute
20 overhead squats (115/75)
20/15 calorie row
Rest 1 minute
For the strength portion the performance and competition will do the same weight for all 5 sets, while the fitness track will build in weight over the five sets. The workout is some intervals so the goal here is to push the pace during the working sets and try to recover during the rest. Ideally your second round will be faster than your first.