Saturday 2/9


Partner WOD


100 alternating dumbbell snatches (35/25)

Run 400 meters together

75 alternating dumbbell snatches

Run 400 meters together

50 alternating dumbbell snatches

Run 400 meters together

25 alternating dumbbell snatches

Performance & Competition

Partner WOD


100 alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35)

Run 400 meters together

75 alternating dumbbell snatches

Run 400 meters together

50 alternating dumbbell snatches

Run 400 meters together

25 alternating dumbbell snatches

For this partner workout you can break the snatches up however you want. Pick a conservative number that you can move through quickly. You will both run together, so make sure you are getting some rest during the snatches.