L- Ball – lats, chest
2 sets
10 Scap Pull Ups
10 Scap Push Ups
Warm Up:
Bench Press, @ tempo x 8 with bar, x 5 at 50%, x 3 at 60%
4 Sets
Bench Press x 4-6, @ 30X1, 70% + of 1RM
rest 1:00
Strict Pull Up x 8-10
rest 2:00
Teams of 2
5 Minute AMRAP
Row 10 Cal
10 Burpees
*Partner A rows, Partner B does burpees
rest 2 Minutes
5 Minute AMRAP
Row 10 Cal
10 Burpees
*Partner A does burpees, Partner B rows
*solo: For Reps
5 Sets
:30 Cal Row
:30 Rest
rest 2:00
5 Sets
:30 Burpees
:30 Rest
Cool Down:
Walk 400m