Saturday 4/11

Fitness, Performance, & Competition

Partner WOD

"Not Penny's Boat"

For time

150 pullups

200 pushups

250 situps

300 squats

*1 partner holds plank during work

At Home


90/90 Flow

Couch Stretch 

Plank Circles 

Scap Push Ups

Warm Up: 

30 Jumping Jacks 

10 Walking Lunges 

10 Push Ups

10 Sit Ups

10 Squats 

Partner WOD

For time

200 walking lunges

200 pushups

300 situps

300 squats

*1 partner holds plank during work


Today is a partner workout where you can split the reps up as needed between parterres.  One partner must be planking while the other is working.