Friday 4/10


Shoulder press

Every 2 minutes for 5 sets-5 reps-70%



2 sets

12 minute AMRAP

Run 400 meters

21 alternating dumbbell snatches (35/20)

15 straight leg situps

9 db goblet squats (35/20)

Rest 3 minutes between rounds


Shoulder press

Every 2 minutes for 5 sets-5 reps-70%



2 sets

12 minute AMRAP

Run 400 meters

21 alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35)

15 toes to bar

9 sa db overhead squats (50/35)

Rest 3 minutes between rounds


Shoulder press

Every 2 minutes for 5 sets-5 reps-70%



2 sets

12 minute AMRAP

Run 400 meters

21 alternating dumbbell snatches (70/50)

15 toes to bar

9 sa db overhead squats (70/50)

Rest 3 minutes between rounds

At Home


Forward Fold 

Straight Leg Kicks, 10/side

Squat Hold with 5/side

Pass Throughs

Warm Up: 2 Rounds

Run 200m

6 Snatches

5 Straight Leg Sit Ups

5 Squat Jumps


2 sets

12 minute AMRAP

Run 400 meters

21 alternating object snatch

15 straight leg sit-ups

21 squat jumps

Rest 3 minutes between rounds


We will start the day with some shoulder press percentage work.  Every 2 minutes you will perform a set, and keep the weight the same for all sets.  The workout is a long AMRAP with a 3 minute rest built in the middle.  Pick weights and movements that you will be able to stay unbroken on for most of the workout.  Pick up where you left off after the first AMRAP.  The at home workout is a long amrap as well.  Use an odd object or dumbbell for the snatches, but pick a weight that you can do 21 unbroken.  Pick up where you left off after the rest.