John Calvert
When did you start doing CrossFit?
Feb 1, 2018 (and 6 months during 2014)
What were you doing before Crossfit?
Casually running around the neighborhood.
Tell us something we might not know about you.
I enjoy wood working and doing home improvement jobs.
What advice would you give someone just starting at Coyote?
No matter how many names are up on the whiteboard, the biggest competition you have is yourself. Once you embrace that, every day you come to the gym will be rewarding.
Do you have any special memories/achievements during your time at Coyote?
Getting my first ring muscle up about a month ago was a great feeling.
Has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym?
Yes, I feel much better in my daily life and my clothes fit better than before.
Tell us a little about yourself (family, job, sports, interests, etc.)
I am married to my fantastic wife, April. I am an avid player of tennis and golf. I am a huge sports fan of both college and pro football, basketball, and baseball. My wife and I enjoy spending the weekends on our boat out at Lake Caroline.
What were your thoughts after your first WOD?
Man, this is going to hurt tomorrow.
What were your goals when you joined Coyote?
Lose weight and get in overall better shape.
Have you achieved any of these goals?
Yes, but there is always more progress to make.
What is your favorite cheat meal?
Ice cream
What is your least favorite WOD?
What is your favorite WOD?
The Chief
-What is your least favorite lift?
What is your favorite lift?
Hang Cleans