Savannah Davis
When did you start doing CrossFit?
January 2016
What were you doing before Crossfit?
I played several sports in high school, but I didn’t do much in college or thereafter until I started biking on the Trace trails a couple years before I started at Coyote.
Tell us something we might not know about you.
I’m actually a nerd... and collect coffee mugs from places I’ve traveled
What advice would you give someone just starting at Coyote?
It’s really not scary, just be consistent and open to advice... and the people are really what make it awesome
Do you have any special memories/achievements during your time at Coyote?
I did my first competition here with only 5 months of CrossFit behind me. Also, I recently pr’d my Fran time by a good bit, so that was fun
Has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym?
Absolutely, I am much more confident now in being able to do things, and I have so many awesome friends I have made here
Tell us a little about yourself (family, job, sports, interests, etc.)
I am the graphic designer across the street at First Baptist Madison, and I have a rescue dog named Reo
What were your thoughts after your first WOD?
I’m just gonna lay here for a little while... but I’ll be back tomorrow
What were your goals when you joined Coyote?
I don’t really think I had any specific goals. That quickly changed to things like do a pull up, run the full 400m without slowing down, etc.
Have you achieved any of these goals?
I have exceeded them and accomplished things I didn’t think I would.
What is your favorite cheat meal?
Depends.. anything from pizza to queso smothered stuff
What is your least favorite WOD?
Anything with wallballs or running
What is your favorite WOD?
I’ve grown to like anything with double unders and snatches
-What is your least favorite lift?
What is your favorite lift?